Two Big Milestones This Week!

Boo turns 8 and we've officially had Pence for 1 year!

Together with

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Hey, friends! We have a couple big milestones to share with you this week! But before we do that, we a couple quick notes…

You can now listen to our newsletter!

You heard that right! If you’re on the go and would rather listen to our newsletter, very similar to a podcast, you can now do that.

It’s simple:

  • If you’re reading in your email, just click the “listen online” tab at the top of this newsletter

  • If you’re reading on our app or in a browser, there is an audio player at the top of this post

How sweet is that?! Shoutout to beehiiv for making this possible. If you give it a try, let us know what you think!

Doty update:

If you haven’t heard, Doty is not only cancelled for the fall, but will no longer be hosting any dryland or winter mushing events in the future. 😭 We are super sad about this announcement. Doty is where we first really got into mushing. Where we first met B and Q, and the dogs. Where we raced our first mushing events. Where we met so many amazing people (including a lot of you reading this!)

Sure, we can attend other races around the area, but I just don’t think it’ll quite be the same. As for our fall race plans, we have not solidified anything yet as we have multiple things to consider.

Boo is 8!

Yesterday, August 1, was Boo’s 8th birthday!!!! We also want to give a birthday shoutout to the other Journopups: Talese, Matty P, Jeff Sharlet, Hunter, and Radar!

Boo with a photoshopped birthday hat on his head

Like a true Wisconsonite should, Boo got Culver’s ice cream for his birthday treat! He shared with Pence, who decided she actually does like ice cream, just not on her own birthday.

Boo enjoying his birthday icecream

Pence biting her icecream instead of licking it

One year with Pence!

We can’t believe it’s already been ONE YEAR since Pence officially joined our family!! If you missed the newsletter on how that came about, you can read about it here!

Pence sleeping on the couch

She is one of the sweetest dogs we have ever met. She has adjusted to house life very well, but is still working on adjusting to things outside of the house. She is still nervous about car rides, meeting new people, strange noises, etc. but we’re working on it!

We’re so glad to have her and we think she’s enjoyed our time together too.

The dogs are in a magazine!

A couple months ago, our local newspaper and magazine wanted to feature local pets with unique talents or stories. Of course, we submitted Boo and Pence and they were accepted right away! We did an interview and photo shoot around Memorial Day, and the magazine was published this week!

Hannah running Boo and Pence on the scooter

I’ve been a bit under the weather, but once I am feeling better, I am going to get several hard copies of the magazines to send to our Urban Mushers + subscribers!

Want a copy? Join the Urban Mushers + to receive the magazine, plus other unique benefits!

Did you know you can get a FREE Urban Mushers + subscription? All you have to do is share the newsletter with 5 friends and you’re automatically signed up to the Urban Mushers +. Click the button below to share with your friends and family!

That’s it for this week’s newsletter! If you’re interested in mushing, the gear we use or where you can find more from us, check out the info below.

Have a great week!

-Hannah & Riley

Our favorite gear:

We often get asked about the gear we use for both us and our dogs. We talk about everything we use from helmets and harnesses to lights and antennas for our bike.

You can find everything you need to get started running with your dog(s) today in the post below!

Riley bikejoring with Boo and Pence

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