Text Chronicles from Pence's Vacation

Pence goes on vacation to Beth's house while we are out of town

Happy Friday, friends!

We’ve been out of town on vacation in Minnesota this past week, so the dogs stayed at Beth’s house during that time.

Taking them to her house, I had to fit both dogs and the crate in the back of my Jeep, which was a tight fit. Boo was not a fan of sharing a dog bed with nervous Pence in the car lol.

Pence, Boo, and Hannah in the car

Pence was nervous about me leaving her again. But luckily, she only whined for a couple minutes then curled up on the couch and settled down quickly, resting with one paw on Beth’s arm.

Pence sleeping with a paw on Beth’s arm

A couple days after dropping the dogs off, this was my text exchange with Beth:

Me: How’s Pence doing?

Beth: Earlier she licked inside my ear. And then had her snout up the back of my sweatshirt lol. She had a pork chop last night

Boo and Pence posing for a photo

Another text from Beth:

Beth: Pence keeps standing in the hall staring at JT but he can’t figure out what she wants. Any idea?

Pence, staring at JT with puppy dog eyes

Me: Outside? Food/water? Pets? She looks so sad 😭 

Beth: When I got up I got lots of tail wags. She has food and water and was just outside. He finished work and went downstairs where she was and her tail went crazy. So apparently those were just her puppy dog eyes to make him feel bad

More conversation with Beth:

Me: so she’s getting along better this time?

Beth: She started having independent upstairs time yesterday or the day before instead of the second to last day like last time.

Pence sleeping in a funny position

Further conversation:

Beth: Boo has been pouting and giving side eye

Me: omg why

Beth: because Pence is here and sits on the couch between us and he refuses to get up there if she is. And he tries to get us to go upstairs with him lol

Late night conversation:

Beth: Your dog will suddenly not come in the house

Me: Wtf?


Pence refusing to come in the house

Me: Something spooked her

Beth: We went for a walk earlier and on the way back JT had her and went to the trashcan to throw poop away and then after that she like refused to come in the house but finally did since she was on a leash. JT thinks the trashcan lid closed loud and she thinks he scared her or something

Me: she did the same thing to our dad about thunder, blamed him for it and held a grudge

Beth: She’s out back now and is running away from JT, but will come to me for pets, but won’t come in at all. Just seems like she’s pissed

Beth: 1 hour and 15 minutes later

Pence laying next to Beth on the couch

Beth: she crawled over to JT, sniffed his head from behind, then gave him an eyeball kiss

Random text:

Beth: is Pence scared of flies?

Me: Uhmmmm not that I know of lol

Beth: A fly just flew by her and she hid lol

As you’re reading this, we are on our way back home. It’ll be interesting to see if Pence will be excited to see me pick her up, or if she’ll just give me this annoyed face because she’s mad that I left her again lol.

Stay tuned!

have a great weekend everyone!

Our favorite gear:

We often get asked about the gear we use for both us and our dogs. We talk about everything we use from helmets and harnesses to lights and antennas for our bike.

You can find everything you need to get started running with your dog(s) today in the post below!

Riley bikejoring with Boo and Pence

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