Rain, rain, go away...

More storms, more runs, and more funny stories. An interesting week at the Urban Mushers household.

Our week was filled with numerous rounds of rain and thunderstorms. Poor Boo seems to get more and more anxious each time. We’ve tried a thundershirt and that didn’t seem to help him much, if any. We’ve also tried Benadryl and trazodone to help him, but he seems to fight them off and stay awake.

Scared Alaskan Husky hiding in a closet during the storm.

Boo hiding in Hannah’s closet

Pence did ok during the storms, but when Boo was shaking and panting hard one day, she did get a little freaked out because of how he was acting. We also tried to give her a chill pill, but she refused the bribe of the medicine hidden in a slice of turkey. She’s too smart for her own good. We finally got her to take the pill, but she laid with the turkey next to her for about 30 minutes. I eventually gave it to Boo so it didn’t go to waste.

White dog curled up in a ball, wit a piece of turkey sitting on couch next to her.

Pence laying on the couch next to a slice of turkey

A quick, funny story from the week…

One day when it was nice outside, Riley opened our sliding glass doors and closed the screen door to get some fresh air into the house. Boo clearly didn’t see it, and isn’t used to it being closed, and ran right into it face-first. The look on his face was like WHAT WAS THAT?!

Later that evening, we went to let him outside again, but the glass door was closed and the screen was gone. I opened the glass door and he poked his nose through a couple times, then lifted a paw through the doorway to test if it was still there. He didn’t believe me when I told him it wasn’t there and that he could go outside. I had to give his butt a little push to coax him out lol.

With the cooler temperatures in the evenings, we were able to get the dogs out for a few runs though! I (Hannah) was able to do a couple nighttime scooter runs with the dogs.

As always, I had on a helmet and headlamp, with a flashing red light on the back of the helmet. I also had a headlight on the scooter. Boo wore the highly reflective harness, and both dogs sported their Noxgear LightHound harnesses that include high visibility safety vest material as well as bright flashing lights!

(PS…the Noxgear LightHound harnesses are on sale for 40% off right now!)

Two dogs pulling a scooter, running in the evening.

Boo and Pence pulling the scooter with their Noxgear LightHound harnesses lighting them up

Bone mischief update: Boo and Pence continue gnawing on the bones and moving them around the yard, but they still haven’t eaten them yet. I’m beginning to think I bought the wrong kind of bone this time, because last time, they actually ate the bones and did it rather quickly.

The bone drama may be over soon though, as Boo will likely be going back to visit Beth over the weekend or sometime next week.

Speaking of next week, the total solar eclipse is on Monday!! Will you be watching?

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We are directly in the path of totality, so we are looking forward to it! Knowing Indiana though, we will probably get stuck with clouds, which would be a huge bummer.

If you are watching the eclipse, we would love to hear your experience and/or see your photos where you are viewing from! Send us an email or leave us a comment!

Boo and Pence will NOT be experiencing the eclipse outside, as it can be harmful to pets. The sudden darkness could also cause them to be anxious or think its bed time.

[PREMIUM VIDEO] Nighttime Scooter Run with Hannah, Boo, and Pence

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