Playing in the Snow & Pence's Adventure

It was an eventful week for the newest member of our team

This past weekend, we FINALLY received our first measurable snow of the season! I measured right at 3 inches of snow, which isn’t enough to get out the sled, but is enough to play in with the dogs!

When the dogs woke up and saw the snow, they were so excited! Pence ran out the door and immediately started eating it lol.

A few hours later, we decided to take the dogs to the park to free run and play in the snow. They were having a blast!

Pence, playing in the snow

Boo, playing in the snow

And then a snow plow showed up. It was banging the snow blade on the ground to knock the wet snow off, and Pence was absolutely TERRIFIED of it. She immediately found a small gap in the fence, squeezed through, and bolted toward home.

Pence, spooked and running from the snow plow

We had only been at the park for a couple minutes. We have been to this park numerous times and she had no problems free running and had never tried to run off like that before.

Riley went after her on foot with the idea that he would quickly find her and bring her back. I (Hannah) was still at the park with Boo and my car. Soon after, our security cameras alerted for movement at the house, and it was Pence. She’s a smart girl, she knew her way home. It was a little less than a half mile away. Sigh of relief.

View from our security camera showing Pence at the house

Riley arrived at the house and saw Pence, just in time for another snow plow to come barreling down our street and spook her again. She thought it was chasing her, we think. She bolted again, sprinting around the neighborhood into territory she had not been in before. Riley was still on foot going after her. Boo and I left the park to drive around and look for her.

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Okay back to finding Pence…

After several minutes of no sightings, I decided to go back by the house to see if she had returned to familiar territory. As I was pulling up by the house, I saw her running down the street toward me, from the complete opposite direction than where she initially went and where we had been looking.

I threw my car in park and jumped out in the street to try and catch her. She was so scared. She wouldn’t let me get close enough to grab her collar. I opened the garage door from my car and she ran inside the garage. Leaving my car running in the middle of the road, I ran up the driveway and into the garage to let her in the house. She was fine. THANK GOD. 15 scary minutes.

I then went to pick up Riley across the neighborhood. We arrived back home, Riley went inside to get Pence, and we headed back to the park. This time, we kept Pence on a leash. She was excited to be out in the snow again, but was definitely still anxious that a snow plow was going to come back and get her.

Boo, standing in a field of snow

Riley and Pence standing in the snow

We went back home and played in the snow a little more in the backyard.

Hannah and Boo playing in the snow

Riley and Pence sitting in the snow

All of the snow has since melted, so fingers crossed we get more soon, and hopefully enough to break the sled out! If not, we may have to trek a little north at some point.

In an unrelated story, Pence went to a vet clinic this week for blood work ahead of a procedure next week. When we left the house, Boo was screaming and letting us know he was displeased that she was getting to go somewhere and he wasn’t. She was nervous to be singled out and riding in the car.

When we arrived at the clinic, she was shaking badly, so anxious. While I was filling out her paperwork, she was climbing all over me, jumping on the chairs and windows. I explained how she had likely never been in a clinic like this before, as a lot of sled dogs receive their vet checkups outdoors and receive their vaccines at home.

Pence, climbing up the window

They had me walk her back to the exam room, but asked me to step outside while they tried to draw her blood without me in the room, which is standard procedure around here. I warned them that I’ve been through this before with another sled dog and it did not go well. I thought the same would happen with Pence, especially with how anxious she was in the waiting room.

After a few minutes of silence, I was getting worried. But also kind of happy that there were no husky death screams. The door opened and the vet techs said she did AMAZING, and was an absolute DOLL. I was like WHAT?! A sled dog?! Doing well at the vet?! Not sure what that’s like, but if you say so!

As long as the blood work comes back well, we will be taking her in for a procedure next Friday. More on that next week!

How do your doggos do when visiting the vet? Are they a Boo (screams his/her head off like they’re dying) or a Pence (nervous/curious but it’s really no big deal)? Let us know by voting in the poll below!

How does your dog do during vet visits??

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See you all next week. Have a great weekend!

[PREMIUM VIDEO] A walkthrough of our new sled!

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