Pence's New Best Friend

Pence goes to Hannah's dad's house for a few nights...are they finally friends?!

Hello! As we mentioned last week, we’ve been trying to get Pence more used to my (Hannah’s) dad so that he can watch her while we are out of town.

Well, we finally had to leave on the first trip and it was time to put our training exercises to the test.

I packed Pence’s bag, literally. Her food, bowls, bowl mat, joint supplements, leash, poop bags, and a lint roller. The lint roller is a necessity because when she’s nervous, she sheds like crazy. I had already taken a crate and a bed over there for her.

We got in the car and headed to his house. Pence was anxious in the car as always.

Pence, anxious in the car

When we arrived, Pence jumped right out of the car, wagging her tail. She wasn’t as anxious to go inside, and actually ran and jumped up on the couch next to dad right away!

After that, I brought her belongings inside and she could definitely tell something was up. With every item I brought in and set up for her, she began getting a little more nervous. She was shaking. I sat with her for a little bit to try and get her settled in.

When I was ready to leave, she kept following me to the door. Dad called her into the living room to see him and she actually did! When she was trotting in to see him, I quickly and quietly tried to sneak out the door.

But she caught me.

Pence staring at me through the glass door as I’m leaving

Poor girl just peered at me with these sad eyes through the glass door. It felt like what I imagine leaving your child at daycare for the first time feels like lol.

About 30-45 minutes later, I received a photo of Pence curled up on the couch. Finally settled down.

Dad was able to take her out to potty and walk her around his property before bed. He put her to bed in the crate for the night soon after.

The next morning, dad let Pence out of the crate and she ran right to his back door to go outside. She did her business and then was ready to come back inside. This was great news because in the past she was very hesitant to come back inside with him.

That evening, I received a photo from dad of him hand feeding Pence with the caption “I really have to feed her?” lol. I said omg no, she’ll eat when she’s hungry! Apparently she still hadn’t eaten or taken a drink that dad noticed, so he was trying to get something in her.

She ate most of the bowl of food by eating it one handful at a time from him. I’d say she has him wrapped around her paw lol.

Hannah’s dad hand feeding Pence

A few minutes later, I received another text saying “now she’s a nervous wreck!”. It was obviously sarcasm though, because the photo that soon followed showed Pence curled up, asleep in a ball on the couch.

Pence curled up in a ball on the couch

It seems like she’s settling in and will be ok while we’re away. I knew they could become friends, it just took some time and effort. Now, maybe she can teach Boo to be ok with my dad! But, I’m not holding my breath…

Check back next week to see how the rest of Pence’s sleepover at my dad’s went!

Our favorite gear:

We often get asked about the gear we use for both us and our dogs. We talk about everything we use from helmets and harnesses to lights and antennas for our bike.

You can find everything you need to get started running with your dog(s) today in the post below!

Riley bikejoring with Boo and Pence

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