Pence Goes for a Sleepover at Beth's House

Pence's first time away from Hannah and Riley. How does she adjust to a new environment? Read on to find out!

Hey everyone! Sorry for the slight delay in the newsletter this morning. Riley and I were on a plane and traveling yesterday, so we’re a little behind schedule. Nevertheless, we are here with another story for you today!

With Riley and I traveling, Beth and JT are dogsitting for us. Wednesday night, I packed up Pence’s bowls, supplements, dog bed, and crate, and Pence too of course, and drove down to Beth’s house. Pence and I went inside first. She was very anxious, pacing around and sniffing everything. She kept going back to the door we came in from. Then, she jumped up on the couch next to JT, who she had only once briefly met before, and wanted pets.

Boo was so excited, he couldn’t contain himself. We hoped having him around would help her settle in better…being a familiar face.

We showed Pence around the house, where her food and water would be, and what door to go to if she needs outside. We walked up and down the stairs a few times to get her acclimated because we don’t think she had ever been on stairs like that before. We set her crate up with her bed next to Boo’s crate. I think when she saw her bed move inside, she became even more anxious.

Pence, slowly crawling down the stairs

I stayed for about 45 minutes to help her settle in. It was like one of those long midwest goodbyes, where I kept saying I needed to leave, but I kept hugging her and petting her, stalling.

Eventually, JT had to hold her collar while I walked out the door. She flipped out. I felt so bad! I peered through the glass in the door to watch her. She stood by the door, whining for a few minutes. I was sad, wondering if this is how it felt when a parent dropped off their little kid at daycare or school for the first time.

Hannah peeking through the door at Pence before she left

This was her first time sleeping over at another house since we picked her up in July. We didn’t know how it would go. She’s a bit of a socially awkward dog with people and dogs she doesn’t know well, and it seems like she’s not a fan of visiting new places either. At least for this trip, it would only be a couple days.

I finally left and headed back home. About 25 minutes into my drive, I had to know if she was still crying at the door. I called Beth.

Beth: hello?

Me: hello


Me: so how’s she doing?

Beth: oh my god you’re not going to be a helicopter mom the whole time are you?

Luckily after about three minutes, Pence stopped whining and went to lay on the couch. She stopped panting, and actually went to sleep pretty quickly.

Pence, sleeping on Beth’s couch

From the beginning, Beth said that they were not going to let Pence on their bed because of how much she sheds. Pence had been shedding a lot the last couple months, but has for the most part blown her coat and isn’t shedding as bad now. When Beth began to get ready for bed, this happened.

Good girl, Pence ;)

Pence sitting on Beth’s bed

I told Beth that meant she was ready for her nightly cuddles. Then Beth sends the next two photos and says “this was not supposed to happen”.

Boo and Pence cuddling in bed with Beth and JT

Boo cuddling Pence in bed

Both dogs went to their crates to sleep for the rest of the night.

The next day, Beth went to work and Pence stayed by JT’s side.

Pence curled up on the floor by JT’s feet

Boo and Pence both went on a couple walks together.

Boo and Pence on a walk

When not on walks, Pence has claimed the middle couch cushion, where she spends her time napping and receiving belly rubs.

Pence curled up on the middle couch cushion

She hasn’t eaten her regular dog food yet, but she has taken treats and some human food. Which was not unexpected at all.

So far, everything is going well with Pence at her sleepover! Of course we miss her, and Boo. This is a big step for both Pence and us. We’ll likely have more trips in the future, so it’s good knowing that she will be okay staying with other people for a few days. Both her and Boo have always been a little shy/nervous, so them being able to be together even when away from “home” is a big help.

We’ll post another update next week as to how the rest of her trip went.


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