The Highs and Lows of Trimming the Dogs' Nails

Pence is a QUEEN! Boo? More like DRAMA Queen…

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Happy Friday, frens! So many things happened this week, we’ll try to squeeze it all in for you.

First of all, Boo has a new talent - watching TV by himself. We caught him twice this week turning the TV on. The first time to watch Netflix, and the other time to watch the Olympics on YoutubeTV. One time I figured was probably an accident, but two times makes me wonder….

The highs and lows of trimming the dogs’ nails

Both dogs received nail trims this week. I knew we would have no problem trimming Pence’s nails, and that there was no way we were trimming Boo’s on our own. When I picked the clippers up from the shelf, Boo started crying just from looking at them.

Pence, the little angel that she is, just stood calmly and quietly and held her paws up for her nail trim. Side note - the nail she lost at Doty last year is pretty much completely grown back in and back to normal now!

Pence holding her paw out for her nail trim


We scheduled an appointment with a local groomer for him. She seems to be the only one that can wrangle him and get the job done. When we arrived, Boo immediately knew where he was and he pulled hard the opposite way from the door. I saw multiple little dogs barking in the window, which does not help his situation.

When we walked in, the groomer said “he’s the one that absolutely hates his nails trimmed isn’t he?” He has a reputation.

I brought a towel to put over his head because that seemed to calm him down at the vet and his last nail clipping. I’m willing to give anything a try at this point.

Right away, she was able to cut his right back nails and his right front nails! I was like ummm that was too easy. He was a little more fussy for the left back paw. And you would’ve thought someone was being murdered when she cut his left front nails. Screaming, flailing, a couple little test gnaws on her hand to let her know he didn’t like it…

While she was working on his last paw, I saw a lady and a small girl at the door, wanting to bring what appeared to be a couple of Golden Doodles in for a grooming. But they backed away.

All in all, we were in and out in less than 5 minutes, which I think is a new record! The lady only charges $10 for a nail clipping, even for dogs with his level of chaos. But she’s the only one that can get it done, so I pay her more lol. Unfortunately there are no photos of the ordeal because I was helping to hold him still during the clipping.

When we exited the building, the lady and girl with the two doodles were waiting on the sidewalk outside. I said sorry, we’re a bit dramatic with our nail clippings.

The lady said, that’s ok, we figured we’d give you some space. I’m very glad she did because it likely would’ve agitated Boo even more with more dogs around.

After the nail trim, I took Boo to my dad’s house to run off some of his nervous energy from the trauma he just endured. He enjoyed running around the yard and zig-zagging through the corn.

Boo running through the corn

Pence searches for someone to watch her

The last story for this week is a conversation between Pence and my twin, Beth. Riley and I have a vacation planned and Pence was trying to find someone to watch her while we are away. Boo was already going to be with Beth during this time.

I love how each photo zoomed in more, and how the look on Pence’s face changes each time lol.

When the time comes, I’m sure we’ll have some chronicles to share of their sleepover.

Magazine update

To our Urban Mushers + subscribers - we acquired hard copies of the magazine that we and the dogs are in! They should all be in the mail as of today, so keep an eye out for a brown envelope with a magazine inside!

Our favorite gear:

We often get asked about the gear we use for both us and our dogs. We talk about everything we use from helmets and harnesses to lights and antennas for our bike.

You can find everything you need to get started running with your dog(s) today in the post below!

Riley bikejoring with Boo and Pence

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