A Tribute to Grinch

Looking back at some of our favorite Grinch photos from over the years.

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Hi Frens!

As many of you have probably seen by now, Blair and Q announced that Grinch has earned his silver harness. I am so glad I was able to meet him a few times up at Doty over the last few years. He was such a loving, kind, goofy, strong boy. I am grateful to have been a recipient of his famous Gronch hugs. I know he will be missed by so many, and my heart goes out to B and Q, who gave him such a wonderful life over the last 9 or so years.

Here are some of my favorite photos that I’ve taken of Granch, and some from friends who took lovely photos of me with him.

Grinch and Hannah, a selfie

Grinch hugging Hannah

Grinch hugging Blair

Grinch doing his favorite thing - peeing

Grinch in the dog truck

Grinch giving people hugs

Grinch posing for a photo

If you didn’t know Grinch, he was a special needs sled dog who lived most of his life at BraverMountain Mushing in Wisconsin with Blair and Q. He had half of a tail, his jaw didn’t match up correctly, and he only ran south. One of his favorite things to do was pee on things, over and over and over.

Rest in peace, Groinch.

With dryland sled dog races coming up this month and next, we thought we would reshare a previous newsletter that provided some tips and tricks, and what you can expect when you attend a dryland race!

Quince Mountain racing a rig with 5 dogs

New Urban Mushers Premium Video

We published a new video for our Urban Mushers Premium subscribers! If you’re a premium subscriber, you’ll see the video in the next section. If you aren’t and want to start seeing our bonus content, you can become a premium supporter by clicking the button below.

This week’s video is a fun one of the dogs!

That’s it for this week! It was a pretty slow week around here, though we did get to celebrate Hannah’s birthday! If you haven’t yet, be sure to leave a happy birthday in the comments!

We’ll see you next week!

-Hannah, Riley, Boo, Pence

Our favorite gear:

We often get asked about the gear we use for both us and our dogs. We talk about everything we use from helmets and harnesses to lights and antennas for our bike.

You can find everything you need to get started running with your dog(s) today in the post below!

Riley bikejoring with Boo and Pence

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