A Rocky Friendship Turned Good?

We wrap up our story of Pence staying at Hannah's dad's and BOO'S BACK!

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Hey everyone! A few exciting/adorable updates for you this week!

A Rocky Friendship…

When we left off in the last newsletter, Pence was settling in at my dad’s house while we were out of town. Pence only ate two bowls of food in the four days we were gone, and dad had to hand feed her both of them.

Each evening, Pence would jump up on the couch next to my dad for a few minutes of scratches, but then would retreat a few feet away, curl up in a ball, and take a nap.

Dad would throw some potato chips in her direction occasionally, but if they were out of reach, she wasn’t interested enough to get up and eat them.

One night, it stormed. Pence didn’t seem to mind much. Until one very close, very loud boom shook the house. Dad said Pence immediately jumped up and looked at him like “YOU A$$HOLE, WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO ME?!” She got up and ran to the other side of the house. Eventually, she returned to the living room with him, but sat on the far side of the couch, just glaring at him. She was holding a grudge and definitely blamed him for the thunder.

When we were back from our trip, I went to pick Pence up and take her back home. Dad was at work, so she was in her crate at his house. I started recording a video, because I thought she would be really excited to see me.

I was wrong.

I rounded the corner and said HI PENCEY!!!! I’m back!!!

She didn’t move a muscle. Continued laying in her crate. She had a stoic look on her face like “you b*tch…you left me here with him!!!”.

Pence staring at Hannah from inside her crate

I let her out of the crate and a couple minutes later she did finally run and jump up on me on the couch, put her paws on my shoulders and licked my face.

I started to pack up her belongings and she got nervous again. She seemed half excited to go to the car, but half skeptical. When we arrived home, she ran right in the door and right to her couch. She clearly missed it.

All in all, I think she finally trusts my dad a little more and we know that she’ll be okay with him if we have to go out of town for a few days again. I think he enjoyed having a dog in the house again, too. She’s a very easy keeper.

Boo’s back!

The day after we brought Pence back home, it was time for Boo to come home as well! I met JT at our halfway meeting point, then we headed home. We pulled into the neighborhood and Boo definitely knew we were close to home. When we pulled in the driveway, he started screaming and giving little howls!

I let him out of the car and he ran right into the office and jumped on top of Pence on her couch. Boo was clearly excited to see her. Pence on the other hand, was like “oh good, this chaos nugget is back (eyeroll)”.

Boo and Pence on the couch

They do enjoy their time together, but sometimes Boo is a little too rambunctious for Pence’s liking. And she’ll let him know when she’s had enough of it.


Whenever I eat steak at home, I save some of the fat for the dogs, and they love it. They both know to wait patiently until I’m done eating before trying to get the fat off my plate. When it is time for them to get their scraps, they both sit in front of me.

I go back and forth between them, giving them each a bite off my fork. They’re both really good about taking food gently off a fork.

There’s not really much else to this story, but the photos were adorable and I definitely wanted to include them in this newsletter lol. Enjoy!

Pence taking a bite of steak off a fork

Boo taking a bite of steak off a fork

Magazine Models Update

A quick update on the magazine photo shoot that we did with the dogs last month. The magazine comes out next week! We haven’t seen which photos they’re using, or what they’re going to say about us/the dogs in the issue, so it’ll be a surprise for all of us!

We do know that they wanted the dogs on the cover of the magazine, but the photo dimensions were not quite right for the cover and would cut off either our heads or part of the dog’s bodies. So I believe they chose another dog for the cover. Darn it!

We are going to try and get several copies of the magazine in hopes that we can send out copies to our Urban Mushers+ subscribers!

Of course we’ll share the details with everyone once they become available though.

Our favorite gear:

We often get asked about the gear we use for both us and our dogs. We talk about everything we use from helmets and harnesses to lights and antennas for our bike.

You can find everything you need to get started running with your dog(s) today in the post below!

Riley bikejoring with Boo and Pence

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